Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hello Ladies and Gents, and welcome to Critical Mentalz...The Cake Session. For those of you who are wondering what exactly a "Cake Session" is - it's simply a conversation between, usually 2, people. That simple.

This is my first post, and I'm excited to see what new perspectives the coming conversations will bring. I'm in a Summer course right now at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, basically about community advocacy and organizing over this thing we call "cyberspace." Sounded interesting to me because I'm interested in organizing youth specifically, and quite a few of them are on the web. I figured this would be a great way to start organizing young people.

I hope to have quite a bit of interesting stuff on here...From random thoughts, to spoken word poetry, to critical thoughts, to epiphanies. So hopefully you will join me on this journey through Summer 2006 and beyond.

That's really all that I have to say at the current moment. See you soon...
*~FloBatim the HipHop Nerd: Over and Out~*


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