Saturday, July 08, 2006

Digital Divide?

Ok so in class we have had many discussions about the digital divide on a national and international level. Again my focus in mainly on the U.S.

Here's my issue. I do realize that technology provides a lot of "missed" opportunities for people (i.e. signing up for programs they may qualify for, etc.) BUT I still say that the last thing on the minds of people in poverty, or people who are hungry, etc. is being on the internet. Their focus is on getting their basic needs met, and surviving.

I feel like we need to focus on issues that seem more pressing. Access to technology is an important issues, please don't misunderstand, but I feel like in this country and around the world that we always try to cure symptoms and neglect the virus or disease.

The digital divide is a symptom of racism and classism/poverty. We need to attack those issues directly, and when we attack those issues other problems (such as the digital divide) will be effected.

Just my opinion - write a comment, tell me yours

Flobatim - the HipHop Nerd: Over & Out

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dave Chappelle's Block Party

To all who have not seen this movie I strongly recommend it.

This movie was great, because it was something unexpected. Everyone heard Dave Chappelle and thought 'Oh my god! This is gonna be hilarious!' but in actuality it's just a great movie about organizing. Don't get it twisted, I mean - he is Dave, so it's got some great humor in it, but it's really a good movie about getting people together.

This movie explains why I see the arts (in this case music) as a potential agent of social change...


Flobatim the HipHop Nerd: Over & Out
Why the Arts?

Many people ask me why my focus in social justice is on the arts in the United States. Well, first I see art all around me. Everyone is affected/effected by the arts in some way. It's all around people, 24/7/365. You can't escape it. It's something all people relate to, though it may no be the same type of art. People are creative beings, and they like seeing what others have created as well. Another reason is that I am an artist, and I feel that there is great power in doing what I do, and what better way to use that power than promoting societal changes? I know many artists that feel the same way.

I focus on the United States, because I'm a firm believer that we should take care of home first. How are "you" going to get someone elses house in order when "your" house isn't in order. That's like a person telling their friend what to do in a relationship when they're not in and have never been in a healthy one...does that make sense? Nope, sure doesn't. Prime example: The United States - how are we going to rebuild Iraq when we can't even manage to get New Orleans together? Just thought I'd throw that one out there...

Flobatim the HipHop Nerd: Over & Out

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Youth, Art, & Social Change

As I may have mentioned I'm a Social Justice & Community Organizing major. My biggest interest is using the creativity that young people today possess and "helping" them to focus and use their gifts for social change.

I did an internship at my old stomping ground - St. Paul Central High school last semester (and plan to continue when I get back from Miami). At Central I worked with CTT - Central Touring Theater. A fantastic group of high schoolers in Advanced Acting, taught by the amazing Jan Mandell.

Jan's class she really guides her students to focus on using their acting, and other artistic abilities to bring forth "real" issues. This group of high school students are indescribably amazing. They are actors, poets, singers, dancers, visual artists, etc. and they use all of their talents in their original plays.

The group that I worked with toured 2 original plays, "Katrina" which was the BEST play I've seen professional or otherwise...and "More Than A Party" which was about the lives of high school seniors.

Being an intern there at Central was a wake up call for me. I stood back an watched in awe as Jan cultivated these students into better performers, better artists, and better social change agents. I still haven't quite figured out how she does it, but hopefully when I go back next spring I will continue my learning process so that I can do the same. To keep myself fresh I'm reading a book that Jan co-wrote called Acting, Learning, and Change.

I'll keep you posted on the things that I pick up and I most definately welcome any ideas...

AND...I can't close this post without giving a shout-out to the CTT group of 2006 - the young people that rekindled my love of the arts, and made me realize that the arts has the possibility to be the agent that changes the world...

Flobatim the HipHop Nerd: Over & Out
Hey all...I'm finally back up and running. My old computer crashed about 2 weeks ago; just got a new laptop (cause we ain't got money just laying around like that). So thanks for bearing with me. I also realize my blogs are a little dated - like I said - technical difficulties, not to mention life. Working 2 jobs it be like that sometimes. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm back and new blogs will be posted regularly like before. Thanks for keeping up.